Proposed by: Kent Meadows and TCA Hall of Fame Committee Members Ron Burnett, Leonard Dickerson, Tiffany Elliott, Alan Kantor, Chris Prosser, and Dwight Weaver

Charter for the Tennessee Chess Association (TCA) Recognition Awards: The purpose for the TCA Recognition Awards is to honor people who have made significant contributions to the Chess Players of the State of Tennessee. The TCA Hall of Fame Committee will make recommendations to the TCA Board of Directors by no later than June 14 or earlier if required to coincide with the TCA Board’s meeting schedule of each calendar year for any TCA Recognition Awards. The TCA Board of Directors will have the sole authority to grant these awards. The TCA Board of Directors is not necessarily bound by any set definitions, as each year’s decisions might amend any implied criteria from past awards. As is the case with awards and honors in general, the uniqueness of each individual recipient, who often contributes in multiple ways, makes the establishment of strict criteria difficult.

TCA Distinguished Service Award
To be given for governance service at the State and/or National level. For example, some past TCA Presidents, some past “Tennessee Chess News” Editors, some other past long-serving TCA Board members, and past United States Chess Federation (USCF) Executive Board Members or Officers could be considered as recipients of this award.

TCA Outstanding Career Achievement Award
To be given to persons whose work is not necessarily focused in governance areas, but is significant for a longstanding career of contributions at the State and/or National level area in ways such as play (over-the-board or correspondence), tournament directing, tournament organizing, authorship of important books, writing, teaching, or other organizational work.

TCA Meritorious Service Award
To be focused on persons whose contributions are analogous to those in the above areas, but are focused mainly on regional (within Tennessee) and local areas.

TCA Special Services Award
To be given for achievements in a specific area. Examples might be longtime contributions as a tournament director, tournament organizing, city/local club organizing and promoting, teaching, and coaching.

TCA Scholastic Award
For outstanding contributions to Tennessee scholastic chess.

TCA Distinguished Volunteer Award
To gratefully recognize substantial time and talent contributed to Chess in Tennessee by a volunteer in any area.